Clitoris · Men's Sex Advice Helping men be better Thu, 05 Nov 2020 18:01:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Clitoris · Men's Sex Advice 32 32 The Anatomy and Pleasuring of the Clitoris Thu, 01 Oct 2020 18:31:57 +0000 As men, it's important that we understand where the clitoris is, how big it really is, and how to stimulate it for our partners.

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The anatomy and pleasuring of the clitoris. As men, it’s important that we understand where the clitoris is, how big it really is, and some basic on how to stimulate it for our partners. Not knowing this would be like our partner not understanding what to do with our dicks. So let’s start with a diagram of exactly how big the clitoris is, and where is sits in relation to everything else we’ve discussed.

Diagram of the Clitoris

It’s Bigger than You Think

I find that typically, more people think the clitoris is only the glans that you see above the labia minora. We discussed that in this post. It is the most obvious outward part of the clitoris. So you can see in the diagram, here is a LOT more within that you can stimulate. The way the clitoris lies behind the labia majora inside the body gives you lots of ways to pleasure your woman. Our bodies concentrate most of our pleasure nerves on the end of our penis. In women, that’s in the first 2 inches of the vagina and clitoris. Because the clitoris position, and understanding the g-spot is within that range backs this up.

As women become aroused, the clitoris would be analogous to our penis. It will become engorged with blood. Because the glans firms up and sticks out like our dicks do, and the crus clitorus and corpus cavernosum both will enlarge inside and become a lot more sensitive. The bulb of vestibule on both sides are erectile tissue as well. So these will enlarge and put pressure on the crus clitoris against both sides of the outside of her vaginal canal. You can see in the diagram that inserting your penis into the vagina would push the bulb of vestibule outward, pressing them against the crus clitoris.

The Clit

The glans clitoris is what generally receives the most attention. It’s the outward presence of her arousal, it’s fun to play with and can provide a great deal of pleasure. In my experience, using my fingers to press the g-spot using a “come here” motion works wonders. As does inserting two fingers inside the vagina and spreading them apart and using the “come here” motion again. I would suggest doing either or both of these things while performing cunnilingus. There will be a post coming about cunnilingus.

Most women cannot orgasm from vaginal stimulation alone, they require some sort of clitoral stimulation. There have been studies that suggest the vaginal orgasm doesn’t exist. In my experience, vaginal orgasms do exist, but they are different from the clitoral and anal orgasms. As you can see, this study agrees with my experience. Do not be discouraged if your woman is like this. It’s similar to you having sex without using your penis (remember, the clitoris is analogous to the penis). So it’s not about you, it’s just how she’s built. The anatomy and pleasuring of the clitoris is something we should talk to our partners about. So, find out what she likes, what feels good for her, and do more of all of that! I’ve found that we discover things together that she often didn’t even know felt good!

As always, if you have questions, check out our Contact Page and shoot us a message. We’d love to hear from you!

The post The Anatomy and Pleasuring of the Clitoris appeared first on Men's Sex Advice.

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