Men's Health · Men's Sex Advice Helping men be better Thu, 05 Nov 2020 17:53:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Men's Health · Men's Sex Advice 32 32 Growers Versus Showers and Which are You? Wed, 21 Oct 2020 20:59:51 +0000 Growers tend to start small with erections that are much larger than their flaccid size. Showers are nearly the same size flaccid or erect.

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Growers versus showers, and which are you? I think the answer will be straightforward. But, we will look at how and why this happens, and some other statistics around our penises. No matter the outcome, always communicate with your partner. Make sure she’s on the same page as you.

She's Giving you head
Kissing through underwear

For those that don’t know, growers versus showers is about flaccid versus erect penis size. Growers, like me, tend to start small with erections that are much larger than their flaccid size. Showers are nearly the same size flaccid or erect, but their erections are just hard. According to a study published in IJIR here on, they classified a grower as someone with more than 1.5 inches difference between erect and flaccid. A Shower is someone with less than 1.5 inches difference between flaccid and erect.

Grower vs. Shower Study

Growers versus showers, the scales lean toward the showers. According to the study linked above, of their participants 73% were showers. They do clearly state that with such a small sample size (ha!) that it’s impossible to determine the ratio world wide. For us growers, this means that we are in the minority. Sometimes our partners are surprised by the appearance of a small penis. Or one that appears small. Being a grower, I’ve experienced some embarrassment about my flaccid size. As it turns out, my erect size is in the 99th percentile. I also wasn’t taught about growers and showers growing up, so I didn’t know I was normal.

This article at healthline also reviews what determines growers versus showers. First, they mention tissue elasticity, which is the capacity for your penile tissue to stretch. Then, they mention collagen, which makes up over half the tissue in your penis. Lastly, your overall health and bloodflow are an important factor in erect size. The study referenced is actually a study on erectile dysfunction.

Measure Yourself

To determine if you are a grower or a shower, measure your penis. Start with it flaccid. I prefer the bone pressed method. Measure along the top of the shaft starting with the end or the ruler pressed against your hip bone behind your penis. Then, get erect however you prefer. I would suggest getting help with your partner on this, have some fun! Measure again, using the same method. If you are unable to get an erection, you can take a stretched measurement. Simply stretch your penis out and take that measurement. If the difference between the measurements is more than 1.5 inches, you are a grower.

Measuring your penis
Measuring your penis using the bone pressed method

The study was too small to determine if this had an effect on the erect penis length. The important thing is that you are happy with your size. With growers versus showers, it’s important to remember that the end product is what’s important. Also, now that you’ve measured, I’m sure you are anxious to know that average penis size is 5.5 inches, worldwide. Also, the vast majority of woman prefer an average size penis. Anything too large or long can hurt when having sex. Just keep that in mind.

It’s important to remember that being happy with yhat you have and having confidence in what you are doing are the most important parts of sex. Remember thatto you, she is a completel person and it’s not just about her pussy. So for her, it would make sense that it’s not just about what’s between your legs either.

As always, please contact me if you have additions, find mistakes, or have an idea or question for a post! You can contact us at the contact us page!

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Men’s Health and Sex – get off your ass and workout Sun, 04 Oct 2020 03:44:59 +0000 Men's health and sex - get off your ass and workout. That's 100% true. I've been unhealthy when I was married, I'd consider myself unhealthy right now (but working on it).

The post Men’s Health and Sex – get off your ass and workout appeared first on Men's Sex Advice.

Men’s health and sex – get off your ass and workout. That’s 100% true. I’ve been unhealthy when I was married, I’d consider myself unhealthy right now (but working on it). I’m a pretty big guy, I always have been. I’m broad shouldered, have broad hips, I’m 6’3″, so I’m large. But I’m overweight at 265 pounds. Not comically huge, my pants waist doesn’t (and WON’T) start with a “4”. But if I don’t watch out, they just might get there.

Stay Fit

I’ve been there before, there was a time years ago that I was well over 300 pounds, almost 350. Losing that weight was not easy. That is why most of my advice to younger men is to stay in shape. Getting back into shape is very, very hard. I did it, and I’ve slipped, but it’s a process not an event. So that’s OK.

Men's Health and Sex
Goal back

Just look at the things listed on Healthline’s “9 Ways for Men to Improve Sexual Health”. The very first two are “Stay Active” and “Eat Fruits and Vegetables”. Basically saying “Eat well and move your body”. Of course this makes sense! WebMD has a really great article here discussing weight and it’s affect on our libido. But sexually, this can and is a game changer. The single biggest reason I will be in better cardio health is because I want to fuck my woman longer and harder.

More than Physical

Staying healthy and strong isn’t just about your muscles and your ability to physically fuck. Staying healthy is also about the hormones and the chemicals that drive us to be sexual. Being overweight directly lowers these hormone levels. These hormones control not just your desire, but your ability to get or maintain an erection. I’ve had low-T, and I now take shots to alleviate the issue. Amazing would be an understatement when discussing how different I feel now versus before.

Mid workout

I would strongly encourage every man to visit their doctor when you turn 35, and to find someone you can be open and honest with. Talking to someone about what’s working, and more importantly what’s not working, isn’t easy. But until you ask for help, you won’t get it.

I’ll go over some more details in other posts about testosterone and what all it has a role in controlling for us men sexually. Men’s health and sex – get off your ass and workout is 100% what I would prescribe to start your healthier life. They are related in ways that might surprise you.

This entire post seems like it’s covering a lot of information, but nothing in depth. That’s OK, as time progresses I’ll be adding a lot more information about how all this works, hormones, weight, and cardiovascular health. For me it will always come down to sexual health. I want to fuck more, harder, and longer.

As always, if you have questions, check out our Contact Page and shoot us a message. We’d love to hear from you!

The post Men’s Health and Sex – get off your ass and workout appeared first on Men's Sex Advice.

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