ED isn’t devastating, there is help you there for you! Erectile Dysfunction has a myriad of causes, with a corresponding number of fixes. ED can be cause by psychological and physical problems. From blood pressure or obesity, to low testosterone, almost all the physical causes of erectile dysfunction can be fixed. Likewise, stress and depression are examples of the psychological issues that can cause erectile dysfunction.
You are making out with your partner. First, things start to heat up. Then, you start getting more serious. Touching begins, her all over you, you all over her. Suddenly, Mr. Happy isn’t so happy. What now?
First, do not panic. It is really important to remember that this happens to everyone. Even if you haven’t had it happen yet, it will. So, how you handle the problem will dictate how your partner reacts to the issue. You need to react in a calm way, and simply communicate with her what’s happening. Then, you have to remember that you are more than your dick.

Physical Causes
The physical problems that cause ED can mostly be cured. A good website to see the causes of ED is at the Mayo Clinic. Their list includes many things, including obesity and smoking. I have had experience with low testosterone. I went to my doctor and had a conversation about my issues, including ED. Of course, there was an easy fix for this in my case. Specifically, I take shots every week to balance my hormones. Low-T causes more than erectile dysfunction. In my case, it caused mood changes and general weakness. But, everything is better now and everything is working great!
Psychological Causes
Examples of psychological problems that cause ED are depression and stress, as well as relationship issues. Both of these can be worked on with professional help. One of the big things that you’ll find on this blog I’ve been trying to get across is to communicate. That includes getting help. As men, we are typically unwilling to get the help we need. In reality, we need to learn to open up and talk to those that can help us. At the very least, talk to your partner. A healthy relationship should work on all problems together, whether they start with you or her. There will be a post about maintaining a healthy relationship soon.
Should erectile dysfunction happen to you, remember that you are more than your dick. ED doesn’t have to stop the festivities. There’s a lot of other things you can do to her to make sex fun for both of you. There’s always oral sex, fingering, or using toys on her. The point is, enjoy getting her to cum. Honestly, it sucks to not have your dick work. It’s a blow to your confidence and your manhood (no pun intended). But, it’s not the end of the world. Get help. Talk to your doctor. Communicate with your partner.
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